Make Extra Money


Mobile Homes

Supplement Your Income with a Flexible and Lucrative Side Hustle

Hey y’all, I'm Dr. InvestHer!

As a veterinarian navigating through the highs and lows of living in a pricey town— I broke free from the exhausting paycheck-to-paycheck cycle by wholesaling mobile homes. While working 5-10 flexible hours per week, I started making $5-10k on average per deal. It’s not just about the money, though it’s pretty sweet. It’s about reclaiming my time, living life on my terms, and providing affordable housing for others.

I’ve got a knack for this, and I’m all in on sharing the love— no stingy energy over here! So, I’m here to guide other go-getters with an entrepreneurial itch launch their own lucrative mobile home side business.

Are you a busy professional who can't seem to get ahead financially? You want the additional income and time freedom to travel, invest, and live life to the fullest - but don't know where to start.

Wholesaling mobile homes allows anyone to earn extra cash simply with minimal startup costs or real estate experience. It's the perfect flexible side business!

For a limited time, download my free E-book!

I created “How to Create an AI Assistant for your Mobile Home Investing Journey!” to help automate your new or existing mobile home business. 


Coaching Benefits

Personalized coaching from an experienced investor

Step-by-step guidance on wholesaling mobile homes

Optimizing processes with AI and automation

Inclusive insights tailored for both beginner and seasoned investors